BHFOR3560 Barnehager i internasjonale perspektiv, casestudier i utlandet
- Nynorsk navnBarnehagar i internasjonale perspektiv, casestudier i utlandet
- Engelsk navnECEC Institutions in International Perspectives, Case Studies Abroad
- Studiepoeng15
- Undervisningssemester2024 høst, 2025 vår
- StudienivåSyklus 1: Bachelorgradsstudium
- StudieprogramBarnehagelærerutdanning
- Varighet2 semester
- Eksamenssemester2025 vår
- EmneansvarligGjertrud Stordal, Marit Pettersen
- UndervisningsspråkEngelsk
- ForkunnskapskravFulfilled progression requirements and passed all practical subjects from the previous academic year. See the study plan's general section
Godkjent dato
This subject is offered by a host institution abroad who does not offer subjects with an exam that gives credits.
The subject consists of field work and a self-study in one or several ECEC institutions and is facilitated by one of the collaborating partners of QMUC.
As a general rule, the field work is conducted in relation to ECEC practice in countries in Southern Africa (except South Africa) in collaboration with QMUC’s partner institutions.
The examination is provided by QMUC, and integrated into the education plan of Bachelor of Early Childhood Teacher Education
The subject is offered to exchange students among the various partner institutions of QMUC. For that reason, the learning activities, learning outcomes etc can be different and will be adapted to various local conditions.
Expected learning outcome
-has knowledge about professional leadership in a transitioning world
-has insights in the history of the host country and can provide information about political and social context of relevance to children and Early Childhood Education and Care.
-Can relate to various pedagogical approaches as well as teaching and learning methods across social and cultural contexts
-Can behave, communicate and collaborate effectively in intercultural situations
-Can engage in inquiry-based learning and reflect on self-study methodology as an approach to professional development
General competence
-Has the ability to reflect on and transfer the experiences and acquired knowledge to their role as professional pedagogical leaders in multicultural ECEC institutions
- Can critically reflect on the importance of professional leadership in a changing world
Arbeids- og læringsaktiviteter
Practical field work, group assignments, individual assignments, oral and written presentation.
The language of instruction is English and Norwegian.
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav
Kode, navn og ev. beskrivelse av arbeidskrav | Arbeidskravets form (hva vurderes) | Individuell/gruppe |
F-TF 1 Self-portrait | Skriftlig oppgave | Individuell |
F-TF 2 Artefact inquiry | Skriftlig oppgave | Individuell |
F-TF3 Art activity with children | Praktisk arbeid | Gruppe |
F-TF4 My influential teacher | Skriftlig oppgave | Individuell |
F-TF 5 Collective collage | Skriftlig oppgave | Gruppe |
Vurderingsform | Kode | Gruppering | Tid/omfang | Enhet | Vekting | Sensorordning | Hjelpemidler | Merknader |
Muntlig eksamen | MUN2 | Gruppe | 30 | minutter | 44% | Intern | PP-presentasjon | Felles gruppekarakter med mulighet for individuell justering |
Oppgave | OPG1 | Individuell | 5000 | ord | 56% | Intern | Alle |
Informasjon om eksamen/vurdering i emnet
Arbeidskrav som må være godkjent til å gå opp til eksamen:
OPG1: F-TF1 ,F-TF 4 og F-TF5
MUN2: F-TF 2 og F-TF3