BUPRA300 Practical Training in an ECEC Institution Abroad (25 days)
- Credits0
- Teaching semester2022 autumn
- Level of study1st cycle: Bachelor's degree
- Program of studyECEC Institutions in International Perspectives
- Duration1 semester
- Assessment semester2022 autumn
- Person in chargeInger Bakken
- Required prerequisite knowledgeFulfilled progression requirement and passed all practical training from the previous academic year. See general part of the study plan
Approval signature
Course content
Practical training for students admitted to the specialization "ECEC institutions in international Perspectives" (Barnehager i internasjonale perspektiv) as part of their Bachelor in Early Childhood Teacher Education, 3rd year of study, at Queen Maud University College of Early Childhood Education (QMUC). These students complete this practical training course instead of one of the course codes BHPRA300, BKPRA300, BMPRA300 or BNPRA300.
In accordance with the requirements of the Norwegian National Framework for Early Childhood Teacher Education (ECTE), 3rd year students must complete 25 days of practical training in an Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) setting (nursery, preschool, kindergarten, R-class, infant class, etc.).
In the final year of the Norwegian ECTE, being a leader and manager for children and staff is emphasized, and the students should get opportunities to learn and practice these skills during their final practical training period. At the end of their training, the students are obliged to submit a written report following criteria set by QMUC. The report is to be submitted to and evaluated by QMUC regardless of the course contents and assignments given at the host university or university college, but may also overlap with these.
Learning outcome
At the end of the course the student will have the following knowledge, skills and competence:
The student…
- has knowledge about cultural differences in views on relations between children and adults, and how these differences affect the children’s rights and participation
- has knowledge about various leader tasks in the ECEC setting
- has knowledge about, and can lead, different didactic processes, such as lessons, projects etc. in the ECEC setting
- has knowledge about and skills in pedagogical leadership
- can reflect on his/her own ability to supervise and lead groups of children and the staff
- can lead and cooperate with personnel in ECEC institutions in planning learning activities
- has insight into relevant methods and tools for parental cooperation included assessment and documentation
- has knowledge about the organization of the pre-school in another cultural setting as well as the pre-school teacher profession, and has the ability to apply this knowledge to reflect on his/her own professional identity
Working and learning activities
The following tasks must be done as a part of the practical training, and written reflections on each task one of them are to be submitted as appendices to the final report to document their completion and as grounds for evaluation. These written reflections should refer to relevant theory and to the learning outcomes that are applicable to the issue.
The student is expected to be an active participant in the ECEC institution, and to cooperate with the staff in work tasks in the practical training.
Narratives from practical training
The student writes at least 3 narrative with reflections and relevant theory during practical training. The narratives should focus on cultural differences and represent a disorienting dilemma in teaching and everyday practices of the preschool. The narratives must be sent to the mentor at QMUC for supervision. The student must tak part in one group tutorial during teaching practice.
Classroom management and leadership
- The student shall observe the teacher’s teaching practices twice and use two different observastion methods ( narratives not included) Focus should be on the teachers leading approches and his or her interaction with the children.Write one reflection with relevant theory afterwards.
- The student should in addition interview the preschool teacher about his or her educational background, thoughts about children, learning and other relevant themes. Write a reflection with relevant theory after the interview has been conducted.
- The student should take responsibility for planning, carrying out and evaluating at least 3 lessons or formal teaching activities in the class. In one of the lesson the student shall read a book for det children and engage them in a conversation about interculturell competence. Write one evaluation with relevant theory for each lesson with your leadership platform as a point of departure.
Interview with the head teacher
The student should describe and reflect on the various tasks and styles of leadership. Interview the head teacher/director and reflect on the interview with references to relevant theory on the following points:
- Development and description of the organization.
- Ethics and visions.
- Governmental regulations, legislation, frameworks etc.
- Learning environment.
- Staff management and professional development.
The interview is to be recorded and transcribed. Write a reflection with references to theory regarding what you have learned about leadership.
My intercultural intercultural competance - write a reflective journal
How do you experience your first encounters? What do you find unfamiliar? And what do you find familiar? How does it feel to be new in this context/culture?
What practices do you recognize from previous experience of practical training in preschools? What is familiar and what is unfamiliar?
What have inspired you during this practical training? What have you learned that you bring back with you to Norway? How can these experiences contribute to your qualification as preschool teacher?
Write an reflection on your intercultural learning based on the refective journal (500-750 words.)
Form of assessment | Exam code | Grouping | Duration | Type of duration | Proportion | Censor type | Supported materials | Comment |
Evaluation of practical training | PRAKSIS | Individual | 25 | days | 100 % | Practical training tutor (internal) and practical training teacher (external) |
Grading scale
Evaluation of the coursework and the student`s learning outcomes is given by the practical training tutor at QMUC during the practical training period as described above, and through evaluation of the final report, which the student must submit no later than 2 working days after the practical training is completed (all 25 days).The student must use the template in the practical training handbook (see “Further information”) as a basis for the final report.
The practical training report is evaluated by a practical training tutor at QMUC, and must be approved to get a passing grade in the course. If the report is not approved initially, the student is given a deadline of 5 working days to improve on it.
The final grade in the course is set by the practical training tutor at QMUC, with advice from the Head of practical training. The following points are taken into consideration for the final grade:
- The student’s preparations for practical training
- How the student deals with challenges
- The student’s ability to understand the connections between theory and practice through written and oral presentations
- How the student shows responsibility for independent learning
- How the student shows self-assessment
- The student’s ability to try out own ideas and to show creativity in solving problems
- How the student shows responsibility with regard to attendance, agreements, co-operating with the staff and completing tasks
- How well the student fulfils the expected learning outcomes for the 3rd year of practice
Additional information
100 % attendance is required (25 days of 6,5 hours). For further information, refer to the section on practical training (Praksisstudier) in the ECTE study plan.
If the practical training is failed or discontinued the student must complete a postponed practical training in a Norwegian ECEC institution the following spring. Cf. the course description for practical training in the 3rd year of study in the ECTE study plan.
The course participants must read and follow all regulations for practical training at QMUC. See:
- Practical training at QMUC: http://dmmh.no/praksis
- Practical training handbook (Praksishåndboka): http://dmmh.no/praksis/praksishandbok
- Guidelines for practical training: http://dmmh.no/praksis/retningslinjer-for-praksis