MKPRO5500 Project in Child Culture and Arts Education

    • Credits
    • Teaching semester
      2020 autumn
    • Level of study
      2nd cycle: Master's degree (two years)
    • Program of study
      Master’s Degree Programme in Child Culture and Arts Education
    • Duration
      1 semester
    • Assessment semester
      2020 autumn
    • Person in charge
      Morten Sæther, Nina Scott Frisch
    • Language of instruction
      Norwegian and English
    • Required prerequisite knowledge
      Admission deadline for international exchange students: 15 April. Admission requirements: • Early Childhood Teacher Education, bachelor’s degree, with a specialization related to arts and culture (a total of 60 ECTS credits within arts and culture) or • Bachelor’s degree as pedagogue/educator, including 60 ECTS credits within arts and culture or • Bachelor’s degree in music, arts and crafts or drama/literature, including a one-year programme in educational theory and practice The applicant must be admitted to a master’s degree programme related to the Master’s Degree Programme in Child Culture and Arts Education at QMUC, preferably with passed master’s courses equivalent to 60 ECTS credits. The average grade of the bachelor’s degree and the chosen subject area must be C or better, cf. the Norwegian grading system, or equivalent. Recommended previous knowledge: Work experience related to children and the arts. The list of required prerequisite courses below does not apply to international exchange students.

Required prerequisite courses


Course content

In this course, the students explore their chosen subject area within the arts through developing a child cultural and/or arts educational project, which shall involve children. The project shall be planned, carried out and assessed in collaboration with child cultural and/or arts educational institutions, like for instance museums, professional orchestra, theatres, libraries, ECEC institutions, schools and schools of performing arts.

The student will find a partner for the project himself or herself. The student may use QMUC’s partners, which include museums, professional music ensembles, theatres, primary and lower secondary schools and schools of performing arts.

Dissemination of the project and its content will be presented to supervisors and fellow students, and will be the basis for the course content and the assessment of the student.

The course shall contribute to experience and knowledge about the planning, carrying out and assessment of child cultural and/or arts educational projects for, with and/or by children. The quality of the dissemination of the project (the presentation) and the documentation of the project will be important in the assessment of the course.

QMUC’s art workshops, art rooms and showing arenas may be used. This course shall, in addition to provide experience of carrying out the project, contribute to raise relevant research questions based on both oral and written reflections to be explored further in the master’s thesis.

As part of the teaching, the student shall work in study groups in which the exploration of the concepts of child culture, play, aesthetics and multimodality, amongst others, is central. The course provides knowledge about leading child cultural and arts educational projects and about arts educational discourses that affect children.

As part of the course, the student will write an individual academic text in which arts education is the point of departure for reflection. The reflection shall consider one or more of the subject areas music, drama, children’s literature and/or arts and crafts for, with or by children.

Learning outcome


A candidate who has completed the education has:

  • thorough knowledge about planning, organising, carrying out and assessing projects in child culture and arts education, and about development projects and research projects with children in ECEC institutions and/or in other arenas of arts for, with and by children
  • knowledge about the field of arts and culture and its potential contribution in a multicultural, ecological, gender and equality perspective
  • thorough knowledge about ethical guidelines for work amongst children


A candidate who has completed the education:

  • has advanced insight in the educational and cultural opportunities of aesthetic forms of expression
  • has skills of working with cultural phenomena and of analysing and reflecting on their use

General competence:

A candidate who has completed the education has:

  • developed the ability of academic communication, mutual respect, good collaboration skills and action competence through collective, creative processes
  • thorough knowledge about the art forms’ and the art subjects’ role and function in ECEC institutions, schools of performing arts and schools, and in the cultural life of the community

Working and learning activities

Between the sessions, the students will work practically on their project in a child cultural and/or arts educational arena of their own choice. They will be given supervision on campus related to this work. The students will give and receive response on their own and other’s work, both theoretically and practically. The students will be given lectures on the leading, carrying out and assessment of projects. There will be discussions in study groups with a focus on important, relevant literature and ethical topics.

Mandatory coursework

CommentMandatory courseworkMandatory coursework grouping
OBLTS: Minimum 70 % attendanceCompulsory attendanceIndividual

Mandatory coursework

Mandatory coursework:Compulsory attendance
Comment:OBLTS: Minimum 70 % attendance
Mandatory coursework grouping:Individual


Form of assessmentExam codeGroupingDurationType of durationProportionCensor typeSupported materialsComment
Practical exam PEK1Individual30minutes Internal and externalAllPresentation of a child cultural and/or arts educational project with documentation.
Paper OPG1Individual1semesters Internal and externalAllAcademic text related to the project: term paper (4000-6000 words).


Form of assessment:Practical exam
Type of duration:minutes
Comment:Presentation of a child cultural and/or arts educational project with documentation.
Supported materials:All
Exam code: PEK1
Censor type:Internal and external
Form of assessment:Paper
Type of duration:semesters
Comment:Academic text related to the project: term paper (4000-6000 words).
Supported materials:All
Exam code: OPG1
Censor type:Internal and external

Grading scale

Passed/Not passed


Coursework requirements that must be approved in order to be permitted to take the examinations:

  • OPG1: None

Both examination parts must be passed in order to pass the course.

The term paper in the course may have similarities in content with submitted examination papers in preceding courses or in courses subject to recognition in the current study plan for the master’s degree programme in question.