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NECEC2201 Playscapes for learning, health and relationships in ECEC

    • Credits
    • Teaching semester
      2026 spring
    • Level of study
      1st cycle: Further education, lower degree level
    • Program of study
      Outdoor Play and Learning in Norwegian Early Childhood Education
    • Duration
      1 semester
    • Assessment semester
      2026 spring
    • Person in charge
      Olav Bjarne Lysklett
    • Language of instruction

Approval signature


Approval date

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Course content

The programme is a comparative, theoretical and practical approach to early childhood education with focus on risky play and outdoor life in early childhood settings. The programme provides experiences, insight and knowledge about everyday life in Norwegian early childhood education and care institutions. Simultaneously the students will be introduced to the Nordic view on play and learning, the close relationship to nature, as well as children’s rights to participation.


The course “Playscapes for learning, health and relationships in ECEC” can only be taken as part of the 30 ECTS programme "Outdoor Play and Learning in Norwegian Early Childhood Education".


The basic values of the programme

The programme is based on an understanding of children that emphasizes children’s participation and children’s competences, a societal view that emphasizes responsibility for the environment and sustainable development, and a view on culture that embraces both cultural heritage and cultural criticism. The programme gives the students an insight into children’s culture and the formative influences that are part of the processes in a child’s development. The Norwegian society may still be categorised as quite homogeneous. However, increasing numbers of multi-cultural groups of children lead to more emphasis on inter-cultural work.  Core values in this work are respect, creativity, dialogue and wondering. 


Other values fundamental for this course are gender equality and equality between all people in a social and ethnic diversity. Accompanying this are moral values which constitute the foundation for a modern democracy, and are in accordance with the United Nations (UN) Human Rights. The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) forms the ethical foundation by emphasizing the child’s rights to a life that allows a physical, spiritual, moral and social development. In addition it is also a foundation for developing an understanding of the values inherent in religious cultural traditions.

Learning outcome

At the end of the course the student has developed knowledge, skills and competence within the following areas:

  • Has understanding that access to active play in nature and outdoors, with its risks, is essential for healthy child development-
  • Gain theoretical knowledge about how the physical environment is important to children’s play and development
  • Has knowledge on how outdoor free play influence children’s psychosocial health
  • Has practical skills on how to facilitate  outdoor environments for children’s play and development
  • Can describe policies regarding immigrant children & families in a global context
  • Can describe experiences and challenges for children and families who are refugees/immigrants
  • Recognizes own position in the power dynamic regarding race, ethnicity, and class
  • Develops processes to communicate with families regarding their expectations for their children’s growth and development
  • Is able to establish a learning environment that honors all cultures, races, and ethnicities

Working and learning activities

The programme is part of a professional education where theory and practice form two equal sources of knowledge which are inter-related. The programme is a platform for a reflexive meeting between theoretical subject knowledge, practical skills and professionalism, and the three areas of competence should be seen as a holistic unit.

Student participation

All teaching and practical training throughout the programme is compulsory. In order to have the various parts of the course approved and to take the final exam, the students have to fulfill all compulsory assignments. The requirement of mandatory attendance included.

Specifically for NECEC 2201: Part of the course will be a practical project developing/remodeling the outdoor space in an ECEC institution. The students’ written assignment/exam will be based on this project.

Mandatory coursework

CommentMandatory courseworkMandatory coursework grouping
NEC-AK1 Written assignmentWritten assignmentIndividual
OBLTS: Mandatory attendance Compulsory attendanceIndividual

Mandatory coursework

Mandatory coursework:Written assignment
Comment:NEC-AK1 Written assignment
Mandatory coursework grouping:Individual
Mandatory coursework:Compulsory attendance
Comment: OBLTS: Mandatory attendance
Mandatory coursework grouping:Individual


Form of assessmentExam codeGroupingDurationType of durationProportionCensor typeSupported materialsComment
Paper OPGIndividual3500words 100Internal All


Form of assessment:Paper
Type of duration:words
Proportion: 100
Supported materials: All
Exam code: OPG
Censor type:Internal

Grading scale



All required work has to be done before the exam.

Additional information

Students nominated from partner institutions are given priority if there are more applicants than places.
Free movers must document at least 60 ECTS credits of studies in preferably the field of Early Childhood Education, alternatively in Education. Students with background in ECE will be given priority.

Applicants must also provide documentation of English proficiency.

For more information about admission requirements, see: