Outdoor Play and Learning in Norwegian Early Childhood Education - Autumn 2019
Outdoor Play and Learning in Norwegian Early Childhood Education - Autumn 2019
- Studiepoeng30
- StudiebelastningHeltid
- Gjelder for kull2019
- UndervisningsspråkEngelsk
- Studieprogramnavn, bokmålOutdoor Play and Learning in Norwegian Early Childhood Education
- Studieprogramnavn, engelskOutdoor Play and Learning in Norwegian Early Childhood Education
- StudienivåSyklus 1: Bachelorgradsstudium
- Varighet1 semester
- StudieprogramlederMarit Hallset Svare
Students from institutions with an exchange agreement with QMUC pay no tuition fees.
Students coming from institutions without an exchange agreement with QMUC, so-called free movers, pay a fee of NOK 10.000.
Opptakskrav og rangering
Students nominated from partner institutions are given priority if there are more applicants than places.
Free movers must document at least 60 ECTS credits of studies in preferably the field of Early Childhood Education, alternatively in Education. Students with background in ECE will be given priority.
Applicants must also provide documentation of English proficiency.
For more information about admission requirements, see: https://dmmh.no/en/studies/admission
- F - Fordypning
- O - Obligatorisk
- S - Spesialisering
- V - Valgfritt
Emne | Type | 2019 høst |
20 | ||
10 | ||
Sum (30 total) | 30 |